InfoMoney featured my story on going from millionaire to broke status, and the ten tips I’m quick to share when others are looking to turn their life around. It was just a few years ago that I bought a startup that ended up going belly up and leaving me in a financial mess. It was a challenging time, but one that came with lessons which have served me well. For starters, you have to want to change. Sometimes you’re forced into it, like when your company tanks, but it’s that desire, drive, and action that can make all the difference.

Another must, at least for me, is getting up early. There are fewer distractions and it’s when I get the most work done. I also prioritize tasks, adopting a triage approach, so that every item is tackled. I recommend continual, lifelong learning whether you prefer a more traditional classroom approach or simply keeping up with the latest business books.

Control your finances, but don’t be afraid to experiment. Throughout, make sure honesty (to yourself and others) is woven into everything you do.

Discover more by checking out the complete article here (click “Translate” for English):


Billionaire businessman who went bankrupt gives 10 tips for you to reinvent your career (and your life)-with John Rampton